星期日, 5月 12, 2013


Lincecum說過他這顆是"modified split-finger fastball",但他也說"It's kind of like a split but not a split"


問題是可以一口咬定split-change就是 change-up嗎?所有知名網站、球評、專欄作家、甚至投手個人都喊split-change是change-up?


要釐清真相,我們不仿先來看看同是Cy Young 級強投Roy Halladay

Halladay 本來是丟傳統change-up,2010年跟Rich Dubee學了顆split-fingered change-up,有人稱之為slower version of SFF

這說法準嗎?我不妄下評論。這顆頂級split-change被BIS、Brooks Baseball歸類是splitter

Roy Halladay 跟 Tim Lincecum 都是split-change的看板人物,怎會有split-change 專家談split-change只提Lincecum卻有心忽略Halladay,難道是無意,但有可能這麼弱嗎?

Halladay同門師弟Kyle Kendrick也有顆split-change,Brooks Baseball分類為splitter,BIS則喊是change-up

在此可以大膽猜測下墬幅度大才可被Brooks Baseball歸類成splitter嗎?

Alex Cobb的split-fingered change-up與Kyle Kendrick相同,一樣特別被Brooks Baseball喊是splitter

特別的是Alex Cobb說過他這顆是splitter:

"it was enlightening to talk to Alex Cobb about the pitches he threw. He appeared to be throwing both a cutter and a split-changeup last night. One faded, the other ran to the glove-side. Turns out, as Cobb told us, both of those pitches are splitters. It's just that he sometimes cuts the splitter by keeping one of his fingers on it longer. Thus he had two versions of his changeup, and that allowed him to move the ball all around the plate while keeping hitters off-balance. I don't recall seeing much of that cut-splitter before. "

最後補上Dan Haren的splitter握法圖,有明眼人能看出Haren這顆splitter與Alex Cobb的差別嗎?


